⚠️ Members are responsible for their profiles, and posts and must adhere to community rules. To join in, we ask members to create a personal, real and identifiable profile (no company or anonymous profiles), and to keep the conversation on topics related to driving business growth.
GrowthHackers Community was founded by Sean Ellis, who coined the term "hacking growth", and is a gathering point for growth, marketing, product, and experimentation professionals who test out-of-the-box ideas to grow their businesses. It is a place to learn with other community members and exchange experiences.
Pick the brains of fellow community members on your burning questions about growth, marketing and experimentation.
Tried something that worked? Share it with the community! It is a safe environment to exchange knowledge, where members can learn the work of growth with real-life examples.
Create a profile to help you make impactful connections. Discover other members in your location or field and start meaningful conversations.
Choose the topics you are interested in, and you will get a personalised feed with what matters the most to you.
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Want to be on our newsletter? The first step is to share high-value, actionable content in the community.
Our moderators will make sure community rules are followed, and members can report any content that infringes our rules.
👨 All member profiles must be identifiable
🎯 Content and discussions must be growth-related
🚫 Offensive, poor quality, overly promotional and off-topic content is not allowed